
Welcome to the MPL Children's Blog! Here we'll be posting info on programming, books, new children's materials and links to other sites for kids and parents!

Check back regularly for new posts (you don't want to miss out!)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

March into Reading!

We're having a party! 
It's plain as can be!
I want you to celebrate with me!
The Cat will be there along with the Fish,
Horton & Sam, the 2 Things and we wish
that you would come too! 
We'll have much more fun!
We'll play in the rain....we'll play in the sun!
So get in your Who-train: 
Thursday, March 10th, 2011
Start making tracks: 
3:30 pm
Meet us all at the Prairie of Prax: 
Middletown Public Library Meeting Room

This program is for ages 4-8.  You must register for this program.  To register for this program, please visit or call the Children’s Room at 846-1573

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Paper Pilot Contest for Kids

Earn your wings as a Paper Pilot by entering the Middletown Public Library's Paper Pilot Contest!

Calling all creative kids grades K-8th for a contest to make paper airplanes and other fantastic flying machines to be displayed in the Middletown Public Library's Children's Room.  Please visit the Children's Room to pick up an entry form!

There will be prizes for Beauty, Originality, and Airworthiness.

Materials you can use: Paper, Glue, Tape, Wire, Thread, Yarn, String, and Feathers.

Contest Begins: February 22nd, 2011
Entries Must be Submitted By: March 31st, 2011

Entries will be judged by experts during the first week of April

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paper Pilot Workshop

Join us in making eye popping, aerodynamic creations that will delight and dazzle!  Lisa Tobin, paper artist extraordinaire, will be here to kick off our Paper Pilot Contest with a workshop on how to make your own flying machine masterpiece.  Registration is required. 

Where: Middletown Public Library (Meeting Room)
When: Tuesday, February 22nd
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Who: Grades K- 8th
Register: Call 846-1573 to save a spot today!